-10,04% - 10,04%

ACME 55334 Scala HO Set due carrozze FS: Tipo 1951R ed una mista Tipo 1949R

Set di due carrozze FS, di cui una Tipo 1951R (Bz 8.000) ed una mista Tipo 1949R (ABz 67.500), nella livrea grigio ardesia in epoca IV. Modelli ultradettagliati dotati di numerosi particolari e con portaganci a norma NEM362. ATTENZIONE: raggio minimo consigliato 42 cm.

Set of two FS carriages, one Tipo 1951R (Bz 8.000) and one mixed Tipo 1949R (ABz 67.500), in slate grey livery in era IV. Ultra-detailed models with numerous details and with NEM362 standard coupler holders. ATTENTION: minimum recommended radius 42 cm.

Set aus zwei FS-Wagen, darunter ein Tipo 1951R (Bz 8.000) und ein gemischter Tipo 1949R (ABz 67.500), in der schiefergrauen Lackierung der Epoche IV. Hochdetaillierte Modelle mit zahlreichen Details und Hakenhaltern nach NEM362. ACHTUNG: empfohlener M
2 Articoli

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172,30 €
155,00 €
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Set of three 'Celerone' units of the FS consisting of baggage car type UIz 1400 in gray livery, baggage car DUz 93100 in gray livery and closed wagon type Hcs-uvwy with bellows. Ultra-detailed models with numerous factory-made parts and with NEM362 compliant hook carriers.

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Set of 4 "Treno Azzurro" carriages of the FS consisting of 2 1st class carriages type 1946 Az13010 and 2 2nd class carriages type 1946 Bz33010, one of which with a refreshment compartment in the IIIb era. Ultra-detailed models with numerous details reported to the factory. Models with hook holders compliant with NEM362.

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Set of 3 FS carriages consisting of a 1st class carriage type 1946 Az13010, 2 3rd class carriages type 1946 Cz33010 in chestnut/isabella livery, period III. Ultra-detailed models with numerous details reported to the factory. Models with hook holders compliant with NEM362.

Set aus 3 FS-Wagen bestehend aus einem 1.-Klasse-Wagen Typ 1946 Az13010, 2 3.-Klasse-Wagen Typ 1946 Cz33010 in Kastanie/Isabella-Lackierung, Epoche III. Hochdetaillierte Modelle mit zahlreichen Details, die dem Werk gemeldet wurden. M
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Carro Postale e Messaggeri FS Tipo UM24 in Grigio Ardesia con Cassone Rec. Modello con numero di serie 218, Residenza Torino P.N. Modello ultradettagliato con numerosi particolari riportati in fabbrica. I particolari sono in metallo fotoincisi e la cassa in ABS rinforzata. Modello dotato di portaganci a norma NEM362.

FS Type UM24 Mail and Messenger Car in Slate Grey with Rec. Body. Model with serial number 218, Residenza Torino P.N. Ultra-detailed model with numerous factory-replaced parts. The parts are in photo-etched metal and the body is in reinforced ABS. Model equipped with NEM362 standard hook holder.

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