ROCO 70470 Scala HO Locomotiva elettrica 2D2 9128 delle Ferrovie francesi SNCF
Locomotiva elettrica 2D2 9128 delle Ferrovie statali francesi SNCF in epoca IV. Modello analogico predisposto per l'installazione del decoder DCC con l'interfaccia PluX22. Mdello con pantografi filigranati e numeri di locomotiva in rilievo. Lunghezza ai respingenti 208 mm.
Electric locomotive 2D2 9128 of the French State Railways SNCF in epoch IV. Analog model designed for the installation of the DCC decoder with the PluX22 interface. Model with filigree pantographs and embossed locomotive numbers. Length over the buffers 208 mm.
Elektrolokomotive 2D2 9128 der Franzosischen Staatsbahn SNCF in Epoche IV. Analoges Modell zum Einbau des DCC-Decoders mit PluX22-Schnittstelle.
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Electric locomotive 2D2 9128 of the French State Railways SNCF in epoch IV. Analog model designed for the installation of the DCC decoder with the PluX22 interface. Model with filigree pantographs and embossed locomotive numbers. Length over the buffers 208 mm.
Elektrolokomotive 2D2 9128 der Franzosischen Staatsbahn SNCF in Epoche IV. Analoges Modell zum Einbau des DCC-Decoders mit PluX22-Schnittstelle.
314,90 €