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PREISER 29116 Scala HO Gelataio con carretto

Figura in miniatura scala H0 (1:87). serie esclusiva.
Realizzata in materiale plastico. Verniciato a mano con cura per questo ci possono essere cambiamenti nell' assortimento, stampa e colore

Miniature figure H0 scale (1:87). exclusive series.
Made of plastic material. Hand painted with care for this there may be changes in the assortment, print and color

Miniaturfigur im Maßstab H0 (1:87). exklusive Serie.
Aus Kunststoff. Sorgfältig handbemalt, daher kann es zu Sortiments-, Druck- und Farbänderungen kommen

Riferimenti Specifici

8,19 €
7,64 €
Tasse incluse
Non disponibile

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Covered freight wagon with 4 axles type Gabs Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane. Design according to the original model. Model with separately applied ventilation flaps and doors that can be opened. Model epoch IV. Length outside buffers mm. 249.

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Miniature figures H0 scale (1:87). exclusive series.
Made of plastic material. Hand painted with care for this there may be changes in the assortment, print and color

Miniaturfiguren im Maßstab H0 (1:87). exklusive Serie.
Aus Kunststoff. Sorgfältig handbemalt, daher kann es zu Sortiments-, Druck- und Farbänderungen kommen
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Fontana per piazza o parco
Misure 101x100x64 mm
La fontana può direttamente essere alimentata con la pompa d'acqua 180627 se viene assicurato un recipiente d'acqua sotto la fontana stessa.
(adatto alla scala HO 1:87, in materiale plastico, in kit da costruire, colla adatta al montaggio Faller art 170490 o 170492)

Fountain for square or park
Measures 101x100x64mm
The fountain can be fed directly with the water pump 180627 if a water container is secured under the fountain.
(suitable for scale HO 1:87, made of plastic, in kit form, glue suitable for assembly Faller art. 170490 or 170492)

Brunnen für Platz oder Park
Maße: 101 x 100 x 64 mm
Der Brunnen kann direkt mit der Wasserpumpe 180627 gespeist werden, wenn ein Was
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