JOUEF HJ2451 Scala HO Set 4 unità TGV Duplex Carmillon SNCF in epoca VI
Convoglio TGV Duplex Carmillon delle SNCF in confezione composta da da 4 unità con locomotiva, due carrozze di cui una di 1' cl. ed una di 2' cl. ed una loco di coda non motorizzata (dummy) in epoca VI. Modello analogico predisposto per l'installazione del decoder DCC a 21 poli.
TGV Duplex Carmillon trainset of the SNCF in a package consisting of 4 units with locomotive, two carriages, one of which is 1'cl. and one of 2' cl. and a non-motorised tail locomotive (dummy) in period VI. Analog model designed for the installation of the 21-pole DCC decoder.
TGV Duplex Carmillon Triebzug der SNCF im Paket bestehend aus 4 Einheiten mit Lokomotive, zwei Wagen, davon einer 1'cl. und einer von 2' cl. und eine nicht motorisierte Schlusslokomotive (Attrappe) in Periode VI. Ana
Non disponibile
TGV Duplex Carmillon trainset of the SNCF in a package consisting of 4 units with locomotive, two carriages, one of which is 1'cl. and one of 2' cl. and a non-motorised tail locomotive (dummy) in period VI. Analog model designed for the installation of the 21-pole DCC decoder.
TGV Duplex Carmillon Triebzug der SNCF im Paket bestehend aus 4 Einheiten mit Lokomotive, zwei Wagen, davon einer 1'cl. und einer von 2' cl. und eine nicht motorisierte Schlusslokomotive (Attrappe) in Periode VI. Ana
424,90 €
382,41 €